Nitro Tech

Nitro Tech

SKU: 3 KG, 6 KG, 12 KG Category:

Nitro Tech improve the general health of soil, decrease the chemical fertilizer dosages, increase nutrient availability,better growth and higher yield of corps. It is suitable for all crops.

CROPS FOR WHICH INTENDED: All Cereals – Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Bajra. Pulses – Pigeon Pea, Gram, Pea, Green Gram, Lentil, Black Gram’ Oil Seeds – Mustard, Sunflower, Soybean, Ground Nut, Linseed, Sesamum. Fodders – Sorgham, Berseem, Oat. Fibers – Cotton Jute, Sunnhemp Cash Crops, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Mentha, Potato. Vegetables – Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onion, Okra, Carrot, Radish, Bitter Gourd, Bottle Gourd, Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal, Capsicum, Broccoli, French Bean, Muskmelon, Pumpkin, Water Melon, Cucumber, Amaranthus, Lettuce. Spices – Ginger, Turmeric, Coriander, Cumin. Flowers – Rose, Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum, Cut Flowers. Fruits-Mango, Litchi, Pear, Peach, Citrus, Grapes, Guava, Cherry, Apple, Apricot, Bael, Ber, Loquat, Papays, Phalsa, Sapota, Strawberry, Pomegranate. Nuts – Almonds, Walnut, Cashew Nuts, Plantation Crops Areanut, Cashew, Cocoa, Coconut, Coffee, Oilpalm, Palmyranpalm, Rubber, Tea etc.